Civic Education
About Civic Education

Capacity Building workshop on Civic Education
On 27, 2018 a planning and discussion program held on “CIVIC EDUCATION”. MASTUL Foundation and Centre for Law and Policy Affairs organized a Workshop at the premises of MASTUL Foundation. Mr. Syed Mahbubul Alam Tahin from CLPA presented a presentation on why we should learn civic education and what type of skills or knowledge should a person know as a citizen of a nation. 13 participants from CLPA, MASTUL Foundation and MASTUL Youth wing joined the program and shared their views about what type of skill every youth should learn.
MASTUL and CLPA intends to extend this training ang knowledge sharing workshop in next level. This Civic Education program will include personal skill, family skill and life skill which every people should know.
Civic education is essential for developing civic responsibility.
Civic knowledge and responsibility are one of the key issues to develop the nation. Civic education is the process of educating citizens on their rights, responsibilities, and duties to empower and motivate them to identify what areas of the governance processes they can effectively participate in; what they can do to improve the quality of governance at both local and national levels. To improve Civic Education among Bangladeshi citizen Center for Law and Policy Affairs (CLPA) and American Alumni Association (AAA) jointly organized a discussion meeting on Challenges of Civic Education in Bangladesh and the Way Forward, on 17 February 2018 at AAA conference hall, Bannai, Dhaka. In the meetings lawyer, academia, environmental advocate, social workers, writer and youth leader were the participant.
Social Media Groups
CLPA has various social media pages dedicated to spreading the civic education message. Our social media pages have over 25 thousand followers. We always offer information about legal education, citizen rights and responsibilities, government orders, and citizen direction. Please visit our following pages.
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