About Environment Program
CLPA is an organization whose mission is to protect, preserve and Bangladesh Environment through education, policy reform, agency advocacy, and public interest litigation. CLPA Trust brings a new form of creative public advocacy effectively linking environmental progress and economic development that improves the quality of life in our communities.
Youth groups need to involve to reduce air pollution
The severe impact of air pollution on public health in Bangladesh results in approximately 240,000 deaths annually. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies …
Youth can play an important role in making the public and the government aware of the harmful effects of air pollution.
Currently, air pollution is one of the major health and environmental problems in the world. About 7 million people die worldwide every year …
Dhaka city dwellers deprived of right to breathe clean air
The right to breathe clean air is a constitutional right and a human right of the people of the country. However, the people, …
Young people should take the lead in reducing air pollution.
More than 20 million people live in the capital city of Dhaka under deteriorating environment and health risks. Air pollution is one of …
Challenges of implementation of Environmental Court Law
To aware youth about the Environment law and court of Bangladesh Center for Law and Policy Affairs and Human Rights Advocacy Cell, Dhaka International University organized a workshop on Environment Law and Court.
During the workshop presenter discuss about the challenges of implementation of Environment law. Speakers said, The Environment Court in Dhaka and Chittagong remains somewhat ‘inactive’ due to different reason.
The court had been set up to deal with cases concerning environmental issues. A public prosecutor and officials of various designations were appointed to conduct the proceedings. But currently the court mainly handles civil and criminal cases in the absence of environmental ones. In the workshop near about 30 youth was participated.
Challenges of implementation of Environmental Court Law
On 20 December 2020 CLPA organized a Webnair on Role of Environment Count law to protect the environment. Senior Advocate, Bangladesh Supreme Count Zahirul Islam Khan, Deputy Attorny, Bangladesh, F R Khan were present as a discussent. Advocacy Syed Mahbubul Alam, Secretary, Center for Law and Policy Affairs presented the key note paper, Barrister Nishat Mahmood was modarte the session. Said stress Environment Court law should amendment to mpower citizen to file case directrly. CLPA hosted a Webinar on the Role of Environment Count Law in Environmental Protection on December 20, 2020. Senior Advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court, Count Zahirul Islam Khan, and Deputy Attorney General of Bangladesh, F R Khan, were present as discussants. The key note paper was presented by Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam, Secretary, Center for Law and Policy Affairs, and the event was moderated by Barrister Nishat Mahmood. Speckers Said that the Environment Court law should be amended to allow citizens to file cases directly.