Belinda Keenan (nee Hughes) has worked in tobacco control in the Asia-Pacific for over ten years in a variety of role and countries. She has considerable experience in NGO networking and coalition building in cross-cultural environments, has led successful national campaigns to change tobacco control policy (tobacco display ban in New Zealand) has developed local, regional and international projects to support and expand smokefree work and has provided support and advice to upcoming tobacco control activists in the Asian region. Ms Keenan was instrumental in conceptualising, developing and obtaining funding for the Southeast Asian Tobacco Control Alliance (SEACTA) in her time at ASH Thailand, and was Coordinator of the Framework Convention Alliance during the negotiation of the FCTC. She went on to become a programme manager for an international ‘South to South’ Tobacco Control project for PATH Canada which provided a framework for progressive developing countries to share their experience and expertise with other developing countries. She was the Tobacco Control Health Promotion Advisor for the Cancer Society in New Zealand for over 5 years and developed innovative projects with non-health groups including local councils, budgeting services and mental health organisations. Ms Keenan has displayed considerable skill in developing strategic, cost-effective and innovative projects which have successfully helped to progress tobacco control policies and broaden and deepen community support for smokeefree messages.